Join us for a networking lunch Dec. 3

at Tucci Benucch/Mall of America*
for a Networking Lunch
(*and chance to shop!)

WHO: ASBPE Twin Cities Chapter

WHAT: Networking Lunch
(and an excuse to get to the Mall for some early Christmas shopping!)

WHEN: Wednesday, Dec. 3, 11:30 to -- lunch until about 1:00 PM
- optional shopping on your own til … (the mall closes at 9:30 PM)

WHERE: Tucci Benucch/Mall of America
(W114 – first floor, just inside the center entrance of the West parking lot)

WHY: To interact with your peers, discuss editorial issues and solutions,
or just enjoy conversation with your fellow editors.

HOW: Bring your business cards, your challenges and inspirations,
and any ideas you may have for 2009 ASBPE Chapter meetings.

COST: No ASBPE fee. Just whatever you choose to eat/drink
- lunches run about $8-12 (plus drink and gratuity).

RSVP: Lisa Lupo,, by Monday, Dec. 1
- just to give us a reservation count.

We hope to see you there!